
Announcement Sheet 6-3-24

2023-2024 Tiger Band Yearly Calendar

Tiger Band Volunteers - SignUp.com - Volunteers Needed this Week!

HEB Gift Card Fundraiser Info

Remind Codes

From Mr. Woods:

Hello Tiger Band Family,

Thank you to the 2024-25 Wind Ensemble students for being flexible and performing at the rescheduled DSHS Graduation on Saturday. It was bittersweet to see our Seniors for one last time as Tiger Band members, but we are so proud of all of them! I wish them all the best, and hope they take opportunities to visit when they can.

And now, the 2024 Tiger Marching Band season starts officially tomorrow with the Pre-Season Training Camp Monday-Thursday, June 3-6 from 8:00am-5:00pm. See below for more details.

There will be a parent preview at 6 pm on Thursday night in the auditorium. The students will be fed dinner between rehearsal and the preview.

Opportunity Days are June 19th and July 17th at the DSHS Band Hall from 9am - 12pm. These are optional "opportunities" for your student to pass off required music from memory, or get assistance with memorization strategies or music oriented issues. If you student isn't available for either of these sessions, you can contact me to see if we can set up a mutual time. All winds and percussion students must have the designated music portions passed off in order to be eligible to start learning drill on August 1st.

Pre-Season Training Camp 2024 dates are June 3rd – 6th from 8:00am – 5:00pm at DSHS

Guard/Percussion Camp 2024 dates are July 22nd – 26th

Summer Band 2024 dates are July 29th – August 12th

Band Registration 2024 dates are August 5th – 7th

2024 Tiger Marching Band Contest Schedule:

9/28    BOA San Marcos Regional

San Marcos, TX  Texas State University Bobcat Stadium

10/12  Texas Marching Classic

Round Rock, TX  Kelly Reeves Stadium

10/19  BOA Waco Regional

Waco, TX  Baylor University McLane Stadium

10/22  UIL Region 18 Contest

Austin, TX  Burger Stadium

10/31+11/1   NO SCHOOL, but there WILL be rehearsals

11/2     UIL Area D Contest

San Antonio, TX   Heroes Stadium

11/9     BOA San Antonio Super Regional

San Antonio, TX  Alamodome

11/11+12   UIL 6A State Marching Contest

San Antonio, TX  Alamodome


Derek Woods
Director of Bands

Dripping Springs H.S.



Pre-Season Camp - Volunteers Needed this Week!

In order to make this week’s kick-off camp a success, we have several adult-volunteer needs. Please sign up for a shift if you are free. No experience needed! There will be other veteran volunteers around to show you the ropes.

Sign up here >> https://signup.com/go/DAVyDSG

Thank you!

Uniform Update

Uniform Needs for Next Fall Season

The time is quickly coming for our high school band camps in June and July. Please inventory what fits and doesn't fit your student so that when Registration happens you only order what you need. This makes the registration process run smoother and helps you reduce your band expenses. 

Spring Cleaning?

Donations will be accepted in the uniform room. If your student has outgrown their shorts, polos, grey dry fit shirts, black belts or black and white band shoes please hand them down to another family member, friend or neighbor to help them save some money. Otherwise, you can place your cleaned items in a bag inside the uniform room door (not near the lost and found or they will be disposed of).

Volunteer Sign Up

Student Uniform Team: Is your student interested in signing up for next year's student uniform team? There is a sign-up sheet on the uniform door. If they have questions, please have them talk to our Co-Captains Cami Gusella or Niamh Jacobs.

Kubby Keepers and Sewing Teams: Parents, are you interested in becoming a Kubby Keeper or help with sewing for next year? Please contact Su Gibbs at uniforms@dsbandboosters.org to get your name on the lists. I will also be in the band hall during pre-training camp if you would like to talk in person.


A Huge Thank You to my Co-VP of Uniforms, Suzanne Gusella. We have worked as a team for over four years. I wanted to shout out my heartfelt appreciation for all of the guidance and friendship she has given me while we made sure the students went on that field spotless, mended and plumed. Suzanne still plans to volunteer in the uniform room for the next school year, but she has decided to step down from the board position we shared. We will miss her leadership greatly.

If you have any further questions, please contact us at: uniforms@dsbandboosters.org.

Thank you,

Su Gibbs

VP Uniform Coordinator

Concessions Update

Hey Tiger Band Families!


Marching season is about to kick off and I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank a few folks. First, thank you to Kevin Smith for leading Concessions and making us such an integral part of Dripping Springs High School Friday nights. Your leadership and donation of countless hours to the band program, and in particular Concessions, deserves a well-deserved thanks, and maybe a vacation!!


Next, thank you to the parents and students who came out on Saturday, after the weather delay, and helped sell water, Powerade, and candy to some very appreciative graduation families and friends. Because of your help and friendly smiles, we were able to provide some relief in the sweltering heat and humidity. Thank you again for hauling water, bagging drinks and candy, and making people feel welcome!


Please be thinking of ways in which you would like to be able to volunteer in Concessions next year, as we start looking forward to the next season’s Friday games. If you have any ideas or thoughts, please feel free to send them my way!


Looking forward to another successful season!




Heather Wisham

VP Concessions


Vote for Mr. Woods for the Manilow Music Teacher Award - $10,000 prize!

Our very own Mr. Woods has been nominated for the Manilow Music Teacher Award, which recognizes an outstanding music teacher who helps to bring music to life for his students. The top vote recipient in each city will receive a $10,000 prize! You can vote once per day per email address...so that's a lot of potential votes! Please vote EVERY DAY today through June 15th for Mr. Woods right here: https://tradablebits.com/tb_app/501343

Just go ahead and set an alarm on your phone because unless you regularly think about quality music education over your morning cup of coffee, an alarm is the only way you're going to remember and we NEED you to remember!

SmugMug Pictures Link

Check out pictures from the Band Ball, as well as the Founder's Parade. Thanks to Heather Wisham for taking pictures at both of these events!

DS Tiger Band SmugMug

How Can You Fundraise Now? - H.E.B. Gift Cards!

It’s always a great time to place an order for H-E-B gift cards. What an easy way to support the band while you shop at H-E-B for your groceries, gas, etc.

Complete the order form in the newsletter link here and drop a check in the mail or the lockbox in the band hall. (If you don't know where the lock box is, have your kid ask!) That’s it!  Of course, we love when you set up a recurring check payment at your financial institution as that makes it even easier.

See the bottom of this newsletter for more details on how to participate in the ongoing H.E.B. fundraiser. Please let friends and family in Texas know as well! This is a great ongoing opportunity to support the band.

Thank you for supporting our band program. We couldn’t do all of our great things without you!

•How many people currently participate?

~30 orders

•How much does the band make?

~$350 per month

(3% HEB discount amount of ~$12,000 order)

•What percentage does HEB discount our program?

5% discount for >$75,000 order

4% discount for >$25,000 order

3% discount for >$10,000 order

How many band members do we have?

~190 band members (170 families)

•How much money would our band make if our orders averaged $300 per each band family per month?  

$2040 per month AND $24,480 annually …..WOW!!!

Sign up now to help fundraise for the band!


Jennifer LaRochelle