
Announcement Sheet - 7/18

Important Summer Dates 2022

Color Guard/Percussion Camp Volunteer Signup

2022 Registration Day Volunteer Signup

Group Page: 2022-2023 Tiger Band Volunteers

DSHS Tiger Band Mentor Program

HEB Gift Card Fundraiser Info

Band Sponsorship Info

Band Booster Store


From Mr. Woods:

Hello Tiger Band Family,

The 2022 Tiger Marching Band season is upon us!  Preparation for this year's production "The Mandala Project" begins this week with Percussion and Colorguard Camps. The Band Booster Officers and Leads, along with the Directors, have been hard at work to make sure the camp rehearsals as safe, productive and enjoyable as possible, so please do your part to follow the Registration process and be sure that your student is prepared with all of the required items.


The Director team has gone through some personnel changes, but we're well on the way to providing all the Tiger Band students with the very best experience and product that we can.  A few weeks ago, I announced that Brian Mayer would be joining us, and in the next day or two I will be announcing who the other new addition to the Tiger Band Family will be (just waiting on some official paperwork to be finalized).  I am very excited about the positivity, student-centered mindset, experience and excitement that these master educators are bringing to the table.  And they're really great humans, too! Mr. Ehlers, Ms. Johnson and I are REALLY excited to be working with Mr. Mayer and our newest addition.  You'll get a chance to meet Mr. Mayer at the Opportunity Day coming up this Wednesday, 7/20 from 9:00am-12:00pm.

Colorguard and Percussion Camp: July 18th – 22nd/ 8:00am – 4:00pm or 5:00pm

This camp is required for all students in Colorguard and Percussion.  Students will need to dress for rehearsal, no jeans/high top shoes/sandals.  Water Jug is required, with only water and ice in it.  Percussion and Colorguard Liaisons will be coordinating lunches. Students may NOT leave campus within camp times. Please be prepared to turn in your student's Physical Form, DSISD Band Permission and Medical Release forms first thing on the 18th.  Students are not allowed rehearse without these forms turned in.  You can find these forms, along with all the Registration forms not found on Toolkit here:

Tiger Band 2022-23 Registration Forms

Thank you to Melissa Tyree, Allison Muth, Tanya Conreaux, and Tara Ballard for setting up meals and snacks for the week!

Tiger Band Social: July 21st DCI CONTEST at Kelly Reeves STadium, Round Rock, TX.  See Announcement Sheet for itinerary and details.

Band Registration: July 23rd, 9:00am - 1:00pm at the DSHS Band Hall

Seniors 9:00am
Juniors 9:45am
Sophomores 10:30am
Freshmen 11:15am
New Members 11:15am

Each student and at least one parent/guardian are required to attend this event.

Complete the following PRIOR TO Registration Day:
- Online Pre-Registration. (Visit www.dsbands.org select My Account, then Dripping Springs HighSchool).

- Summer Band Meals Form (due July 20th) Summer Band Meals

- Contest/Away Game Meals (due July 23rd) Contest/Away Game Meals

Pre-registration opens July 9th and must be completed by JULY 20th. There is information needed prior to Registration Day that needs to be prepared accordingly.  When you complete the online pre-registration, you calculate an estimate of band fees and required items for marching season. These items and costs are identified on the Registration Worksheet, one for Winds and Percussion, one for Colorguard. If any student or parent feels they need financial assistance, contact Mr. Woods at derek.woods@dsisdtx.us. A payment plan will be worked out for you at registration (please complete the online preregistration process). We want all students to be a part of the band.
You will receive an estimate of fees due, but please do not write a check until the day of registration because the amount owed can change. You will be able to pay your balance due on the day of band registration via credit card, cash, or check.

There are several forms to print, complete and bring with you to the Registration event.  Those forms can be found here:

Tiger Band 2022-23 Registration forms

You will also find the Summer Band schedule, Calendar for the Year and several other informative documents.  Be sure to check them all carefully.

Alternate Registration: If you're not able to attend on the 23rd, the alternate Registration date is Tuesday, July 26th from 6:00-8:00pm. All online and paper document deadlines still apply.  Your student must bring their completed Physical, DSISD Band Permission and Medical Release forms to turn in first thing at rehearsal on the 26th.  Students that do not have this information turned in will not rehearse.

Message for all students about Camp Theme Days from the Drum Majors and Band Council:

Tuesday - crazy hat day

Show off your fun and bizarre hats to your friends

Wednesday - tacky tourist

Dress up as your favorite Hawaiian-shirt-wearing tacky tourist

Thursday - throwback Thursday

Wear previous band shirts from middle school or a past band season.

Friday - senior day / short short day


Tips for safe and enjoyable rehearsals:

- Eat breakfast everyday - stay away from Dairy products

- WEAR A HAT - even if you "don't like hats"

- Get outside for more than 15 minutes at a time before rehearsals start to acclimate to the heat!

- Hydrate before rehearsals begin, and make sure you bring your water jug with Tiger Band Coozie filled with water (not sports drinks or tea).  We will have the Water Cow available for refills, but start the day with a full, fresh water jug.

- Apply sunscreen liberally!

- No jeans or jean shorts.  Athletic wear and tennis shoes with good support are expected.  No Hi Tops or boots permitted.


Communication is something that the Tiger Band Staff and Boosters strive to excel at...but we do you need to do your part, too.  Our weekly emailed Newsletters with Announcement Sheets will start up again July 17th.  The contact information you provide in your Toolkit account is what is used to email you this information, so be sure that your profile info is up to date.  We also utilize the app Remind, the codes to join your student's group(s) are included in the attachments.  This platform is used for short messages to communicate with individuals, small groups or large groups and can be accessed from your phone. The Tiger Band website at www.dsbands.org can also be a great source of information.  The DSHS Bands Google Calendar has all the dates and times for the year so far, and when events are updated on the Calendar, it automatically updates your Calendar, too, once you've subscribed. And the Tiger Band Family 2022-23 Facebook Group is also a great way to communicate.  We always appreciate any photos or announcements that you would like to share pertaining to our Tiger Band students and families! The Twitter and Instagram accounts will need a new moderator, so I'm not sure if those platforms will continue, yet.


Senior Parents: 

- For the traditional Senior Lock-in on July 29th starting at 9:00pm to 7:00am July 30th, we need several Senior Parents to volunteer as Chaperones, and at least one Senior Parent willing to coordinate for this event to occur.  Contact Caryn Pacelli at carynbandbooster@gmail.com to volunteer.

- If you're interested in a Senior Shoutout in the Football Program, the deadline is July 24th. Follow this link for more information Senior Shoutout


Go Tiger Band 2022-23!

Derek Woods
Director of Bands
Dripping Springs H.S.



President's Update

Welcome to the 2022 marching season! I hope everyone had a chance to relax since pre-season band and is ready to go.  It’s going to be hot at camps this next month, so please help your performers stay hydrated and rested so they’re able to practice effectively.  In addition to helping your student prepare there are several volunteer opportunities where we need your help throughout the day at the various camps and registration.  Please click on the links below to sign up to help.  Don’t worry about experience, we will get you the information you need to be a success! The kids and directors appreciate this help, and really need it in order to focus on learning this year’s show music and choreography.


Color Guard / Percussion Camp — https://signup.com/go/pTRuizg — Help is needed Thursday and Friday 11am - 2pm with color guard first aid and serving lunch.


Band Registration — https://signup.com/go/zFTfdtc — stations are set up to collect information from all students.  Sign up for a shift that isn’t during your students’ registration slot, and then you’re able to go through with your student at their assigned time slot.

Summer Band Camp — SIGNUP LINK COMING SOON — Help is needed throughout the day with staffing the first aid tent, serving lunch and snacks, and helping directors with other tasks.  Please sign up to help where you’re able.  It is going to take volunteer time from a lot of families to get the help needed throughout the day.

Senior Parents — The senior lock-in is Friday, July 29.  Sign up to help by emailing Caryn Pacelli at carynbandbooster@gmail.com to volunteer. It’s going to take several of us to stay up with these kids. 🙂 Also, Senior Shout Out ads in the Football program are available.  Deadline to order is July 24 at https://dshstigerfootballadorder.paperform.co/

Finally, for new families and those of us that need a reminder of what happens in marching season, please check out https://www.dsbands.org/parent-info/ for quick explanations of practice, contest days, meals, snacks, and volunteering.  And when you still have questions, ask!  See you around the camps!

Go Tiger Band!
Timmie Smith

Colorguard Update

CG Camp starts Monday, July 18th and runs through Friday, July 22nd.

We could still use a few helpers that week: https://signup.com/go/pTRuizg


Celebrate the end of Color Guard Camp with a Pool Party on Friday from 6-8 p.m. at the Tyree’s house. All of our high school and middle school Guard students and parents are invited. Please email Melissa for directions.


Due 7/18/2022 - Turn in at the start of CG Camp on Monday in order to participate!

  • Band Permission/Medical Release Form
  • Copy of the front and back of your insurance card
  • Signed UIL Physical Form
  • Payment for CG Camp Meals - $60 check to DSBB or cash in an envelope with the student's name on it.
  • $10 for CG section shirt - Give cash to Molly Tyree or Venmo to Melissa Tyree @Melissa-Tyree-4

Update/Signup for Toolkit ASAP!

Don’t forget to review the CG Band Registration Checklist to make sure that you are not forgetting anything!

Color Guard Band Registration Checklist


Melissa Tyree
DSBB Color Guard Liaison

Concession Update

As we prepare for marching band season, we are also getting the concessions stand operations organized for the upcoming football season.

As everyone that has spent time in our concessions stand knows, it takes a team effort to handle the volume that we serve in concessions for our home games, and as we move to 6A we only expect demand to increase.  This is a good problem for the band, since concessions is a major fund raiser that provides significant financial support the band program, but it will require everyone’s help.

In addition to volunteers, we will need some folks to step up and help direct activities in the various areas of concessions on game nights for both the home and visitors side:

Cashiers/Order Window

Order Preparation

Food Preparation

We will be at registration on Saturday, so please let me know if you are able and willing to help or if you have any questions.


Save the Date - Saturday July 30th, we’re planning to clean the concessions stands and to move our equipment and supplies from storage.  With enough help, we should be able to knock this out before noon. Once we confirm that we’ll have access, we will communicate details and send out sign up information.

Meals Info

Hey band family. Don't forget to order your band meals using the following google forms.

To order summer meals click here. Please place your order by July 22nd at 6pm so that we can make sure you are all set at registration. The cost of these meals is $96 payable to the Band Boosters at Band Registration on July 23rd. These meals are OPTIONAL. Please indicate on the form even if you are opting out so we can make sure everyone is taken care of. If you are opting out, students must make arrangements to have food delivered before 11:30am. Students will not be permitted to leave campus during camp.

To order contest and away game meals click here. The cost of the contest meals is $165 and these are REQUIRED. The cost of the Away Game Meals is $60 and these are OPTIONAL. Please also place your order by July 22nd at 6pm so we can make sure you are taken care of at registration. If you are opting out of away game meals students must make arrangements to have food delivered before 5:15pm. Students will not be permitted to leave campus after school.

Percussion Update

Good news!  The 5-octave Marimba has been secured and will be picked up this coming week.  Thank you to all the band families and Band Boosters that supported the Marimba fundraiser.

For all percussion families, please be sure that you complete your child’s physical and have it available for the July 18th Percussion camp.

Thank you

Allison Muth

Uniform Update

Wednesday, July 20th Opportunity Day (9am-12pm) - Attention Seniors, Juniors and Sophomores - Come in and be fitted for marching and concert uniforms while you are playing off for Parts I and II in the band hall. We will start with freshmen once upperclassmen are complete. We will continue fittings throughout the summer bandcamp weeks until everyone is done.


Saturday, July 23rd Band Registration (9am-12pm) - Registration is when all students and parents order the required uniform pieces to fill out their student's band uniform for the school year. To make this process run smoother and help reduce your band budget, please inventory what fits and doesn't fit your student so that you only order what you need (this includes gently used items from siblings). The Registration table will be set up for informal uniform fittings only.  The photographer will have marching jackets available for the band button pictures during the registration process.


Volunteer Lists at Band Registration - Parents interested in volunteering for sewing, ironing, and/or being a Kubby Keeper, please look for our signup sheets at the Uniform registration table.


Donations are always accepted, but please do not send used gloves or socks. Donations may be either handed to a director or placed by the uniform door (not by the Lost & Found).  Thank you all for the donations that have already shown up. Your contributions are very much appreciated.

  • polo band shirts (grey only)
  • white or grey dri-fit shirts (DSHS logos & no stains)
  • shoes (back and white)
  • black shorts
  • black belts
  • black DS band hats

If you have any further questions, please contact us at: uniforms@dsbandboosters.org.

Thank you,

Su Gibbs and Suzanne Gusella
Co-VP Uniform Coordinators


HEB Gift Cards Fundraiser Info

Happy summer!! Don’t forget to get your HEB gift card orders in.  They continue throughout the summer.

Just use the link to get your cards ordered:


Thank you for supporting the DSHS band program.

Laurie Darilek & Jennifer LaRochelle


Band Sponsor Info

Please be sure to show your support for all our Tiger Band sponsors by supporting their business in our local community.

The Tiger Band Boosters would like to give a special recognition to our new Virtuoso Sponsor, Pool Pro!


-Terminal B, Information Technology Services www.terminalb.com

-Andrea M. Bibeau, Welcome Home ATX www.WelcomehomeATX.com

-Kwik Kar www.kwikkards.com

-Cunningham Orthodontics, www.cunningnhamorthodontics.com

-Vintage Soul, www.vintagesoultx.com

-Rail Road BBQ, www.rrbbq.com

-Garnett’s Propane, www.garnettspropane.com

Thunder in the Hills

Thunder in the Hills is an annual percussion competition that the DS band hosts. This year it will be on 9/17 and there are 21 bands signed up to compete so far. This is our largest single day fundraiser and requires all students and families to volunteer to ensure its success. More details about signing up for shifts will follow, please save the date to help showcase Dripping Springs and the band.

If you are interested in helping or have questions, please contact Mark Glass. Our next planning meeting will be on July 27 @ 7pm in the band hall.

Shutterfly pages have been set up for each class to upload candid photos throughout their band career.  Everyone can share their photos and help to create “senior books” for a unique keepsake after graduation.  Click on the appropriate link below to join the site and to start sharing photos now!

DSHS Band Class of 2023 (shutterfly.com)

DSHS Band Class of 2024 (shutterfly.com)

DSHS Band Class of 2025 (shutterfly.com)